Thursday, December 20, 2012

Austin's Third Month

Time is flying by and the little man is 3 months old already!  This past month he has become a bit of a chatterbox!  Austin loves to interact and is really working on trying out different sounds.  He is so responsive when you talk to him and it's hilarious because his responses usually are very appropriate for the conversation!  Austin has been a great traveler when we flew up to WI to visit family and have his baptism.  Several people around us commented they didn't even realize there was a baby on the plane until we were getting off the plane.  Austin has become more skilled at grabbing and holding onto things.  He gets so excited when he hangs onto a toy!  He is putting everything in his mouth all the time and appears to be in the early stages of teething already.  He stares intently at everything we eat, not sure that he will be able to hold out until 6 months for solid food!  Austin is sleeping very well and I am certainly glad to be getting better sleep too!  We have been working a lot on tummy time.  He was really not a fan initially, though he has slowly become more tolerant of it.  He has gotten so strong at lifting his head up, he now tries to almost sit up whenever we have him in an upright position!  We have now switched over to doing "big boy" baths, so he is now being bathed in the tub instead of the sink.  He was definitely getting too big for the sink!  I weighed him on his 3 month birthday and he was 15 pounds, so he has almost doubled his birth weight!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Peepee Teepees

We received a package of peepee teepees as an early Christmas gift and have started using them during diaper changes the past few days.  I thought it was pretty cool to have Austin covered and not worry about him spraying everywhere while being exposed.  He actually does not do this often, though when he does it is a big mess!  So far the teepees had not been tested, until tonight when Austin decided to change that...

I had the teepee on him and was changing him as usual.  Just as I was moving his legs, the peepee teepee came  shooting off and before I knew what was happening my shirt was getting soaked!  As soon as I realized it I put my hand out to stop him, though it was already too late.  I had to change him into a new onesie and pajamas (nevermind that I just put on clean ones less than an hour before after his bath!) and change out the changing table cover.  So apparently the lesson is that you still have to pay attention even with the peepee teepees in place in case he is able to shoot it off! :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sleeping Through the Night!

Austin is officially sleeping through the night now!!  Over the past two weeks I've cut out his middle of the night feeding (he is more than big enough to not need it!).  So he has been going to bed around 7-8p.m., then I do a "dream feed" (feeding him in his sleep) around 11ish, and he would last until 4-5a.m.  I would then feed him and he would go back to sleep until 7.  When I first began working on this he was waking around 4a.m. and it slowly went closer to 5a.m.  The idea is that he keeps pushing it back until it's his regular wakeup time (7a.m.).  Well, when I heard that he was up this morning I assumed it was around 5a.m. and I was extremely excited to see that it was 6:51 a.m.!!  He is such an amazing baby and has responded so well to being on a schedule!! :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Austin's Second Month

Austin seems to be growing so quickly, we can't believe how big he is already!  He barely fits into size 3 month clothing!  He is acting more and more like a baby and less like a newborn everyday.  This month his accomplishments include laughing for the first time, starting to grab things, putting things in his mouth, and he even appears to be paying attention to food already!  Austin recently began dropping his middle of the night feeding and sleeping through the night up to 6 hours in one stretch (yay for sleep!).  He is becoming very playful and will entertain himself for up to 45 minutes at a time.  He enjoys having books read to him. He tries to sneak in watching TV, so we have to keep a close eye on him to turn him away from it!  Austin also had his first playdate and traveled on an airplane for the first time.  He has met a lot of extended family members this month, including his 97 year old Pra Baka (great-grandmother).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Austin's First Halloween

We started out celebrating by going to a pumpkin patch on mommy's birthday.  It was a beautiful 80 degree day, and of course Austin was excited to be outside!  Later we carved the pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds.
Auntie Noelle came to visit and Austin got to wear his adorable costume when we went to the Franklin Pumpkinfest.
On the actual day of Halloween we took Austin to trick or treat at the neighbors we know, they were so excited to see him in his little cow costume!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Austin's First Month

It's amazing how much he has grown in the past month!  He is already outgrowing clothes that were too big on him not very long ago.  One of his favorite things (besides eating!) is being outside. If he is fussing and we take him outside he always stops.  He loves going for walks in the stroller, and sometimes gets upset when it's time to go back in. Austin also loves bath time and is always very cooperative. He has been working on lifting his head when he is on his tummy and also is increasing his ability to focus.  He smiles a lot and has done so since he was born.  He is such a sweet baby!