Thursday, December 20, 2012

Austin's Third Month

Time is flying by and the little man is 3 months old already!  This past month he has become a bit of a chatterbox!  Austin loves to interact and is really working on trying out different sounds.  He is so responsive when you talk to him and it's hilarious because his responses usually are very appropriate for the conversation!  Austin has been a great traveler when we flew up to WI to visit family and have his baptism.  Several people around us commented they didn't even realize there was a baby on the plane until we were getting off the plane.  Austin has become more skilled at grabbing and holding onto things.  He gets so excited when he hangs onto a toy!  He is putting everything in his mouth all the time and appears to be in the early stages of teething already.  He stares intently at everything we eat, not sure that he will be able to hold out until 6 months for solid food!  Austin is sleeping very well and I am certainly glad to be getting better sleep too!  We have been working a lot on tummy time.  He was really not a fan initially, though he has slowly become more tolerant of it.  He has gotten so strong at lifting his head up, he now tries to almost sit up whenever we have him in an upright position!  We have now switched over to doing "big boy" baths, so he is now being bathed in the tub instead of the sink.  He was definitely getting too big for the sink!  I weighed him on his 3 month birthday and he was 15 pounds, so he has almost doubled his birth weight!

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