Monday, November 19, 2012

Austin's Second Month

Austin seems to be growing so quickly, we can't believe how big he is already!  He barely fits into size 3 month clothing!  He is acting more and more like a baby and less like a newborn everyday.  This month his accomplishments include laughing for the first time, starting to grab things, putting things in his mouth, and he even appears to be paying attention to food already!  Austin recently began dropping his middle of the night feeding and sleeping through the night up to 6 hours in one stretch (yay for sleep!).  He is becoming very playful and will entertain himself for up to 45 minutes at a time.  He enjoys having books read to him. He tries to sneak in watching TV, so we have to keep a close eye on him to turn him away from it!  Austin also had his first playdate and traveled on an airplane for the first time.  He has met a lot of extended family members this month, including his 97 year old Pra Baka (great-grandmother).

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