Thursday, August 22, 2013

Austin's Tenth Month

Wow, I can't believe how quickly this little boy is growing up!  Austin hit a major milestone this past month... he took his first steps!  He decided to follow in his mommy's footsteps (literally!) and be an early walker!  He has been bound and determined to figure out how to walk since he became mobile and was so proud of himself when he let go and took those steps on his own.  He has also become extremely fast at crawling and has developed a method where he crawls on his hands and knees and then, to go even faster, he will start bear crawling (on his hands and toes) to propel himself forward.  It's pretty funny to watch!   Austin has also taken strides verbally and finally said "mama" this past month!  He's also started saying banana (though it sounds more like "nana") and is working hard at trying to repeat us.  Austin has also started pointing at objects he wants with his index finger and is continuing to use the signs we've taught him to communicate.  Another tooth has emerged this past month on the bottom, bringing the total number of teeth so far to seven!  He still loves to eat and really enjoys feeding himself as much as possible.  One of his favorite foods right now are blueberries, he can't ever seem to get enough of them! 

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