Thursday, August 22, 2013

Austin's Eleventh Month

I can't believe this is the last monthly post before my little baby turns 1 year old!!  Austin looks like such a toddler already, it's unbelievable!  He really improved his balance over the past month and now he rarely crawls and is walking very well.  We travelled up to see family in WI this past month and he did great on the airplane.  I was a little nervous with how mobile he is if he'd be able to sit still for the flights (two each way since there are no direct flights) and he was very happy and content in my lap the whole time.  He enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with the people sitting behind us and kept standing up to look around.  The teething has been continuing, though no new teeth actually emerged this past month.  Austin's vocabulary is increasing and over the past month has started saying doggy, kitty, and ball.  He has now figured out how to throw a ball and plays with us rolling a ball back and forth.  He is as happy as ever and loves to laugh.  He is such a goofball and acts silly to get us to laugh and cracks himself up in the process!  It's so amazing to see his personality developing and his fascination with learning how everything works.  We've been working with him for a while on setting boundaries and now he is pretty good at listening and backing away when told, though there are times where we need to repeat several times before he listens.  He's also started testing limits with throwing food on the floor while he's eating and watching to see our reaction.  Austin is beginning to follow one-step requests very well, and now helps to clean up his toys.  He also continues to love books and frequently will sit quietly in his room paging through his books, it is so adorable to watch! 

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