Thursday, August 22, 2013

Austin's Ninth Month!

Time is definitely flying by, and Austin is increasingly seeming more and more like a little toddler than a baby.  We moved into a new apartment this past month and Austin was a champ throughout the whole process.  He has been having a great time exploring his new environment and getting into everything.  He has really mastered crawling and is now trying to climb.  He also seems to be getting closer to walking, he has started to get a good grasp of balance and is able to stand momentarily by himself when he lets go.  Austin's new room has been set up so he has the freedom to explore and play on his own & he has a great time playing independently.  He constantly cracks himself up and it's so fun to watch him play.  Austin continues to have a great appetite and loves to try whatever we are eating.  His favorite new thing he's tried this month is yogurt. He has also had two more of his top teeth come in this month.  We have been working on teaching Austin when things are off limits for him and he has been understanding and sometimes listening when he's told not to touch something.  He also has been using sign language more frequently, and now when he doesn't want to go down for a nap he signs "all done" to try and get out of the nap, it's crazy how smart this kid is!

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