Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Austin's Fourth Month

This little baby is growing so fast!!  It's amazing how much his development has improved over the past month.  He continues to surprise us with new things all the time, including rolling over for the first time this month!  He has rolled from front to back several times, and is incredibly strong with holding his head up while on his stomach.  Austin not only grabs for things now, he is able to hold on and is actually starting to play with toys (although they mostly just end up in his mouth!).  EVERYTHING he grabs he immediately tries to put in his mouth and is continually sucking on his fingers.  A few little ridges are forming in his mouth and I think those teeth are not very far away!  Austin has also started becoming a bit of a "helper" lately.  During diaper changes he lifts and lowers his legs on his own and also holds his onesie and shirt out of the way.  He is definitely starting to understand language a lot more and is more and more responsive to what we say.  We are starting to use baby sign language with him, though we have a lot to learn ourselves!  He loves to "talk" though he often gets very serious and just listens when on the phone or Skype.  Austin now sleeps the majority of the time (including nighttime) in his crib in his room instead of sleeping in the pack 'n play in our bedroom.  His nighttime sleep averages about 9-11 hours and he usually takes 2 hour naps during the day (so thankful the hard work is paying off and we are all sleeping well!).  He is such a happy baby and though he's had a slight laugh for a while, he has recently starting doing a full giggle - it is the cutest thing ever!!  I hope to capture it on a video one of these days!

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