Thursday, May 23, 2013

Austin's Eighth Month

Eight months old already!!  It continues to amaze me just how much this little boy can change in one month!  Austin had just started waving a little bit toward the end of last month and now is very excited to wave at people.  The biggest change this month is that he just started crawling this past week and is so proud of himself that he is now able to move around and really get into things.  Shortly after he started crawling, he followed that up with figuring out how to sit up on his own from laying down on his back.  He'd been working on that for a while and has been so frustrated that he hasn't been able to do it until now.  Austin is very excited about this newfound independence he has developed.  He has also gotten into giving "zerberts" this past month.  It always cracks me up when he gives me a big kiss on the cheek and then decides to zerbert my cheek!  He is a funny little guy and continues to be very happy most of the time.  Austin has also figured out how to undo his diaper, though fortunately for now, he only tries to undo it during a diaper change and is not taking it off completely.  His healthy appetite continues and this month he has tried bell peppers, broccoli, cucumber, crackers, kiwi, plums, green beans, pasta, cheerios, summer squash, quinoa, black beans, chick peas, pumpkin, tomatoes, and has also tried dill seasoning.  Austin likes to hold his cheerios with his pointer finger and thumb, then bites them in half.  I think he is enjoying experimenting using his teeth!  He continues to try to chew on everything and this month has gotten his two top teeth in, and now has four teeth total.  Austin is getting stronger and stronger with standing and is now able to stand while holding onto something without any additional support.  He loves to practice walking, though hopefully he will wait a little bit before walking on his own!