Monday, April 22, 2013

Austin's Seventh Month

Wow, another month older already!!  It really is amazing how much he has continued to develop this past month.  A month ago he could sit up if he was propped against something and kept toppling over, now he has found his balance and loves to sit up and play!  He is also able to lean over to grab something and then sit back up.  He is now rolling frequently and uses that to get himself around; he is trying to get into anything and everything around him, and I'm sure that will only increase as he becomes more mobile!  The other night while I was getting him ready for bed he rolled away from me and rolled right under his crib!  Austin is working on learning to crawl and has started pushing his legs up under himself, though does not have the hang of it yet.  He is very curious about everything and loves to figure out how things work.  He has a shape ball that he's been playing with and he was able to figure out how to remove the bottom on his own (it has to be turned and then you can remove it).  Austin has also figured out that he does not have to sleep on his back and has started experimenting with sleeping on his stomach and his side.  He has also just started waving and is so proud of himself whenever he does it!  Austin is improving his communication skills by signing back to us now.  It's so adorable how excited and proud he gets when we understand what he's asking for and respond accordingly.  His first sign was "eat", which is exactly what this guy loves to do!  The new foods he's tried this past month include: zucchini, butternut squash, acorn squash, pears, chicken, brown rice, tilapia, parsnips, mashed potatoes, egg yolks, and also the following spices: rosemary, cumin, parsley, and Italian seasoning.  Austin continues to enjoy everything he's tried so far and has not had any problems.  He also has had his first teeth show up this month, he is looking more and more like a little boy instead of a baby!  It is really unbelievable how much this guy grows and changes every month! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Austin enjoyed his first Easter!  The Easter bunny came and had eggs hidden in the couch for him to find and also brought him a basket filled with goodies. 

Looking for the Easter eggs...

Opening his Easter basket...