Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Austin's First Halloween

We started out celebrating by going to a pumpkin patch on mommy's birthday.  It was a beautiful 80 degree day, and of course Austin was excited to be outside!  Later we carved the pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds.
Auntie Noelle came to visit and Austin got to wear his adorable costume when we went to the Franklin Pumpkinfest.
On the actual day of Halloween we took Austin to trick or treat at the neighbors we know, they were so excited to see him in his little cow costume!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Austin's First Month

It's amazing how much he has grown in the past month!  He is already outgrowing clothes that were too big on him not very long ago.  One of his favorite things (besides eating!) is being outside. If he is fussing and we take him outside he always stops.  He loves going for walks in the stroller, and sometimes gets upset when it's time to go back in. Austin also loves bath time and is always very cooperative. He has been working on lifting his head when he is on his tummy and also is increasing his ability to focus.  He smiles a lot and has done so since he was born.  He is such a sweet baby!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Austin's Arrival!!!

We are excited to announce that Austin Jovan Healy arrived on Tuesday, September 18!  The previous Wed I had my 39 week appointment and found out I was dilated 1 cm, 50 percent effaced, so he was starting to work on making his appearance.  I had not been feeling well most of the week and had a suspicion he might be coming soon.  My parents were planning to drive down on Sat to be there for the birth, so they decided to come down on Thursday instead.  Friday evening I started feeling minor contractions and on Sat they continued happening regularly.  Sat evening they were about 3-4 min apart and I was a little nervous, so shortly after midnight we went to the hospital.  They checked me out and I was still only 1 cm, though I had progressed to 70 percent effaced. So we were sent back home and they said to return when the intensity of the contractions increased, along with being close together. The contractions continued all day Sun, and got to the point where they woke me up early Mon morning. Throughout the day on Mon the intensity increased, though they were not consistently close enough together. I finally tried to get some sleep around 2 a.m. and kept waking up from the contractions. Around 4a.m I woke up almost in a panic because it felt like the contractions wouldn't stop! I told Byron we needed to get to the hospital right away. This time when they checked me I was 4 cm and 90 percent effaced, so I was taken up to a delivery room immediately. I was hoping to have a natural birth, and fortunately with the amazing support of Byron and my parents, I was able to do so! The hardest part for me was feeling completely exhausted like I had never felt before. I did well up to about 9 cm, and for some reason it took forever to reach 10 (I found out later that the actual duration of time for that part was about 3 hours!). After pushing for an additional hour and a half, Austin was finally born at 4:45 p.m. Those last 4-5 hours I was literally in and out of consciousness and would not have made out through without Byron, my parents, and the awesome staff at Centennial Hospital.

Austin Jovan Healy
4:45 p.m.
8 lbs 6 oz
20.75 inches