Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kansas City Baby Shower

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful family that put together a great couples baby shower for us this past weekend.  It was a lot of fun celebrating with our Kansas City area family and friends.  We really appreciate everyone's generosity and are excited to now have several items we needed to help us set up and decorate the nursery!

Officially in the third trimester!!

Wow, I can't believe how fast time is flying by!  I can tell that Baby Healy is growing rapidly now, it is officially obvious to anyone that sees me that I am pregnant!  I have started doing prenatal yoga classes, which I am really enjoying.  They are a little bit tough since my flexibility isn't what it used to be, though I hope this will be good preparation to make the labor process a little easier (a girl can dream, right?!).

Baby Healy's Heartbeat - 6/14/12

Baby Healy continues to have a strong and steady heartbeat each doctor visit.  He is also measuring on track everytime.  I have been very lucky that the pregnancy has been going well for me the entire time and I can't believe that after my next doctor appointment I will be going in every two weeks!