Monday, May 28, 2012

Mother's Day

Byron surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers to celebrate my first Mother's Day!  It was so sweet and unexpected!

I was 21 weeks at the time, here is another belly picture (not the best quality since it was taken on my phone!):

Baby Healy's Heartbeat - 5/17/12

Here is Baby Healy's heartbeat at 22 weeks.  He continues to sit very low and is becoming more active everyday!  I found a new doctor down here in the Nashville area that I really like and am thankful for the smooth transition to working with someone new at this point.  We are enjoying settling into our new home and soon we will begin decorating the nursery!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's a Boy!!

We had our ultrasound on 4/23/12 and found out that we are having a son!  The little guy was showing off and definitely wanted us to know that he is a boy!  Here are the first pictures we have of our little miracle:

I was just shy of 19 weeks at the ultrasound.  Here are some belly pictures:

Here is the heartbeat on the same day: