Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It must be in the water...

It seems like every other time I log into Facebook another one of my friends is announcing their summer due date!  I am happy for them and so excited about ours that I just want to add ME TOO, ME TOO!!  Except it is a bit too early to share the news with the rest of the world, so I will just have to wait a bit longer before our announcement is up there too!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Sharing the news with Mom & Dad Stoffel...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting ready to share the big news!

Tomorrow night we are going to announce the news to our immediate families and we are very excited!  It is definitely hard keeping a secret of this magnitude even for just a couple days!  Below is the announcement card I created that will be inside the infamous "Baby Byron" huggies box that we are wrapping up for Mom & Dad Stoffel!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Two pink lines!!!

I had been suspicious over the past week or so, though I kept telling myself the symptoms were just PMS and there was no way I was pregnant... well, 2 days late + 1 test later = 2 pink lines!!  I was so shocked and excited I couldn't wait to share the news with Byron.  He came in the bathroom and asked what was going on because I had a strange look on my face, and I blurted out "You're going to be a daddy!"  He was so excited and we both started crying.  We are so blessed to finally be starting our family!